Sunday, March 31, 2013

Words on Revival from Charles Spurgeon -

It is incumbent upon all Christians to be thoroughly awake to the interests of Zion, but upon the leaders most of all. Special supplication should be made for beloved brethren in office that they may be full of the Holy Ghost.

Workers in the Sunday-schools, tract distributors, and other laborers for Christ, what different people they become when grace is vigorous from what they are when their life flickers in the socket! Like sickly vegetation in a cellar, all blanched and unhealthy, are workers who have little grace; like willows by the water-courses, like grease with reeds and rushes in well-watered valleys, are the servants of God who live in his presence. It is no wonder that our Lord said, "Because thou art neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth," for when the earnest Christian's heart is full of fire it is sickening to talk with lukewarm people. 

While a true revival in its essence belongs only to God's people, it always brings with it a blessing for the other sheep who are not yet of the fold. If you drop a stone into a lake the ring widens continually, till the farthest corner of the lake feels the influence. Let the Lord revive a believer and very soon his family, his friends, his neighbors, receive a share of the benefit; for when a Christian is revived, he prays more fervently for sinners. Longing, loving prayer for sinners, is one of the marks of a revival in the renewed heart. Since the blessing is asked for sinners, the blessing comes from him who hears the prayers of his people; and thus the world gains by revival. Soon the revived Christian speaks concerning Jesus and the gospel; he sows good seed, and God's good seed is never lost, for he has said, "It shall not return unto me void." The good seed is sown in the furrows, and in some sinners' hearts God prepares the soil, so that the seed springs up in a glorious harvest. Thus by the zealous conversation of believers another door of mercy opens to men.

When Christians are revived they live more consistently, they make their homes more holy and more happy, and this leads the ungodly to envy them, and to enquire after their secret. Sinners by God's grace long to be like such cheerful happy saints; their mouths water to feast with them upon their hidden manna, and this is another blessing, for it leads men to seek the Savior. If an ungodly man steps into a congregation where all the saints are revived he does not go to sleep under the sermon. The minister will not let him do that, for the hearer perceives that the preacher feels what he is preaching, and has a right to be heard. This is a clear gain, for now the man listens with deep emotion; and above all, the Holy Spirit's power, which the preacher has received in answer to prayer comes upon the hearer's mind; he is convinced of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment to come, and Christians who are on the watch around him hasten to tell him of the Savior, and point him to the redeeming blood, so that though the revival, strictly speaking, is with the people of God, yet the result of it no man can limit. 

Brethren, let us seek a revival during the present month. Let us pledge ourselves to form a prayer-union, a sacred band of suppliants, and may God do unto us according to our faith.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Spring is Here!

'For behold, the winter is past, The rain is over and gone. 'The flowers have already appeared in the land; The time has arrived for pruning the vines, And the voice of the turtledove has been heard in our land. 'The fig tree has ripened its figs,  And the vines in blossom have given forth their fragrance. Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, And come along!' " Song of Solomon 2:11-13 (NASB)

Spring is here! With spring warming things up, I would like to share some upcoming events that will need your prayer and participation:

Spring Revival with Dr. Shane Garrison and Sola Grace.  April 21-24, 2013.
Dr. Shane Garrison is the assistant professor of Educational Ministries in the School of Theology at Campbellsville University. There is hardly a Western Recorder in print during the last three years that does not have a quote from or a conference advertisement featuring Shane Garrison. Shane’s preaching is beloved throughout the state and he has been recently featured in a number of national VBS conferences for Lifeway. Bruner’s Chapel Baptist Church will have the honor of hosting Shane for a four day revival on April 21-24. Please pray for Shane and for our church that God would “afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted.”

July Mission Trip to the Moore Activity Center in Covington, Ky. July 8-12, 2013. (Details will be forthcoming)
All volunteers will be needed to assist with Northern Kentucky evangelism, discipleship, and construction needs. In April of 2000, South Side Baptist Church in downtown Covington, KY, took ownership of the “Salty Dog Saloon” and turned it into the Moore Activity Center, a place for inner city outreach. God has been blessing the outreach of this center to where it is now one of the most sought after mission experiences in the state. Bruner’s Chapel Baptist Church has a full week scheduled in July and we will need volunteers for all types of service. If you are interested in more information, please check out our website and look under the “Show Jesus to the World” tab and click on "Mission Trips."
While these two events should provide some great memories for life, will you join me in praying for their eternal impact? I pray that God would open up the windows of heaven and rain down such a blessing on us that we would not be able to contain it!

May God bless us with a fruitful spring!
-      -  Bro. Dave