Thursday, December 22, 2011

If Jesus Had Not Been Born

The Following Post comes from Desiring God Ministries:

If Jesus had not been born:

-          This would not be the year of our Lord 2011.
-          We would never hear a single Christmas carol or Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus.
-          We would have no such books as Tale of Two Cities, Dickens’s Christmas Carol, or even The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.
-          We have no movies such as Ben Hur, The Cross and the Switchblade, Chariots of Fire, Narnia, and scores of others.
-          We would never have heard such songs as “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God,” “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name,” “Fairest Lord Jesus,” “Joy to the World.”
-          It could be easily argued that the United States Founding documents would not be what they are.
-          The Wuaorani Indians of Ecuador would still kill white men instead of baptizing their children.
-          The Arawakan Indians of the Caribbean would still be cannibals.
-          Descendents of the Mayans in Chiapas, Mexico, would still sacrifice their children instead of teaching them to praise the true Creator.
-          Prophecies would remain unfulfilled, the serpent would not be crushed, we would not be delivered, and God would be a liar. Death would not be conquered.
-          The New Testament would never have been written.
-          There would be no mediator between God and man, for the man Christ Jesus would not have been born. We would remain dead in our trespasses and sins, the veil not yet rent.
But he was born! 

May the realization of the sweeping impact of his birth, life, death, and resurrection bring you a very Merry Christmas!

-          Bro. Dave

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