Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Opportunities to Serve

I am thankful for everyone who participated in the disaster relief efforts in East Bernstadt last week.  The devastation that was witnessed was something I have never seen before. As always in these situations, I am thankful for the tireless work of Mike Riley, who should be a top candidate for the position of KBC Disaster Relief Coordinator with his strengths in discerning where the needs are and mobilizing a force. If you missed out on helping, I know that there will be some opportunities in the future for you to join in.
One of the most ambitious service evangelism projects we have ever undertaken is coming up. Our church is taking the initiative to assist our county with the school backpack food program throughout the summer. This will involve taking food to families all throughout the county to care for their needs and to minister to them spiritually. We will need people to donate food, assemble the packages, and deliver the packages. Will you join with us by donating some food and getting involved in the assembly and delivery of the packages? You can sign up now on the bulletin board and pray for us as we prepare for this project.
As we have many opportunities to serve, let us forsake lesser important things to show the love of Jesus to the lost. Many people not long ago were touched by the story of a football player named Pat Tillman who walked away from 3.9 million dollars offered to him to play in the NFL. He walked away from a lucrative career because he felt he had an obligation to serve something more important – his country. That choice cost him his life. Our service to God is one that will cost much, even our lives, but we should be willing to fulfill our obligation to serve Him.
Let us follow the example of Jesus and serve others for the sake of the Gospel!
-         Bro. Dave

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