Thursday, March 15, 2012

Patience, Comfort, and Hope

“Whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through
patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.” (Romans 15:4)
Paul is speaking about the Old Testament here in this verse, but what he says applies
today to the entire Bible. The Bible was written for our learning. This is not the.
conclusion of everyone, especially of those who oppose having the Bible in our schools.
But this does not change the facts. The greatest of all learning is the learning we get
from the Scriptures. It instructs us in the most important matters of life. Any institute of
learning that ignores the Bible will wallow in ignorance in the most important matters of

In this verse Paul speaks of three areas of learning which we gain from the Scriptures.
They are patience, comfort, and hope. These are very important areas of learning

Patience. Few things are more needed for mankind than patience. Patience is a virtue
of great value and none of us have enough of it. But we can learn it from the Scriptures.
The more we get into the Scriptures in earnest study, the better we will learn about
patience. The world is not teaching about patience well (its advertisements emphasize
getting everything right now), but the Word will teach us patience.

Comfort. We live in a very discomforting world. It can get pretty rocky and bumpy at
times, and often we hit these rough areas of life without shock absorbers. But the
Scriptures will give us the comfort we need for the rough places of life. When making 
hospital visits, I notice that when people are experiencing great sorrow they often ask
me to read from the Scriptures—not from the newspapers or news magazines and other
life literature. Why? Because it was the Scripture that give the best comfort.

Hope. Another valuable thing we learn from Scripture is hope. The world does not give
us any hope. Rather, it gives us a lot of hopelessness. But the Bible gives a lot of hope.
It will give us hope in the midst of the worst circumstances and trails. It will give us hope
for the future. If you want hope in your life, go to the Bible. It gives the best hope.

May God grow our patience, comfort, and hope as we read His word.

- Bro. Dave

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