Tuesday, August 3, 2010

News from the Association

News from the Association
I was able to attend last night’s (Monday) Mercer County Association of Kentucky Baptist Execuative Board Meeting and heard a lot of exciting and challenging news. I would like to give an overview of the events and needs that were discussed there:

County Wide Back to School Bash – Icthus and First Priority are hosting a Back to school bash on Sunday, August 22, at Anderson Dean Park from 2-9PM. Three bands (Seabird, Rookie, and 7eventh Time Down) will be participating in this outreach and the Gospel will be shared with all who attend. All churches are being asked to take up a supporting offering and to encourage their youth groups to attend.

First Priority is Growing – The student ministry First Priority, which takes the gospel onto the High School and Middle School campuses through student led clubs, is growing strong in our area. In a community where now less than 10% of students attend church, God has been using First Priority to see a harvest of souls come to Jesus at our schools.  Months ago, I was asked to go to a First Priority meeting at the school in Burgin and I was amazed as I saw 25 students give their lives to Christ! We need to pray for our school ministries to continue to reap a harvest, and for First Priority to grow in our Mercer County School system.

Kentucky Changers in Mercer County in 2012 – Mercer County will be hosting Kentucky Changers in 2012. Kentucky Changers is a ministry that helps reach people through home renovations and repairs. Teenagers volunteer a week of their summer to go and help people in need through construction work. More than 300 teenagers are expected to come to Mercer County in 2012 to reach people for Jesus through Kentucky Changers. We will be raising funds for materials, and locating needy homes for this service as well as participating in Kentucky Changers ourselves.

Find It Here 2011 -  During Find It Here 2010, we prayerwalked every street in our county and then canvased each home with an invitation to church. For Find It Here 2011, every church member will be asked to submit three names of lost people to be prayed over; spend 21 days of focused prayer for them; read the book of John during that 21 day period; fast from something during that 21 day period; and take a special prepared copy of the Gospel of John and Romans to the three lost people that are being prayed over.  We will all be challenged to invite these three people to church with us for Easter.
It is a joy cooperating with other churches in our area for these outreaches.

May God bless our cooperation, and may God bless these outreaches.
-          Bro. Dave

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