Thursday, January 7, 2010

Brit Hume, Tiger Woods, and Jesus Christ

Journalist Brit Hume isn’t backing down from his recent comments that Tiger Woods should turn to Christ for redemption and forgiveness.

As he says in the follow-up interview below, “Jesus Christ offers Tiger Woods something he badly needs.”

Last year on the Between Two World's blog, the following was mentioned about Hume and what he planned to be doing in his retirement.
Brit Hume, the Washington managing editor at Fox News and one of the best in the business, is retiring from his position. Starting in 2009 he’ll become senior political analyst and work 100 days in the year.
When public figures retire at the top of their game they often cite wanting to spend more time with their family. And that’s the case here. But Hume offers an additional reason–one rarely cited in these situations:
I certainly want to pursue my faith more ardently than I have done. I’m not claiming it’s impossible to do when you work in this business. I was kind of a nominal Christian for the longest time. When my son died (by suicide in 1998), I came to Christ in a way that was very meaningful to me. If a person is a Christian and tries to face up to the implications of what you say you believe, it’s a pretty big thing. If you do it part time, you’re not really living it.
From another interview:
And since my son died, I have been, really, I felt rescued by God and by Christ. I have an intense desire to pursue that more ardently and have it be a bigger part of my life than it has been.
When asked how that will translate, Hume responded, “It’ll translate into Bible study.”
Denny Burk also includes this quote from Hume’s interview on WTOP News radio:
Christianity is uniquely and especially about redemption and forgiveness. That is what the cornerstone of what the faith is about. Now other faiths aren’t hostile to the idea, but think of what the message of Christ and Christianity is. It is that the God of the universe sent His only begotten Son, who died a hideous death on the cross, to atone for all of our sins. And we are thereby offered through that act a new covenant in which we are offered forgiveness and redemption on a continuing basis in return for our faith in God and our continuing efforts to live the Christian life. That is a unique doctrine.

Peter Wehner also looks at the criticism Hume is receiving.
Here are some important points:
The intensity of offense taken at what Hume said is itself revealing. Perhaps it can partly be chalked up to shock; maybe Shales and Hume’s other critics are genuinely surprised to learn that those who hold the Christian faith do so because they believe the claims of Christ are true, that His story is real. But of course if Christians didn’t believe their faith were true, there would be no reason to embrace it, as the Apostle Paul himself understood. . . .
I should add that when Christopher Hitchens, whom I like and whose company I enjoy, appeared on television shows promoting his book God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything, he was far more critical of Christianity than Hume was of Buddhism. Yet I don’t recall the Left saying that those criticisms were inappropriate for public debate. In fact, they weren’t — and neither are Hume’s words. Furthermore, those who are unnerved by Hume’s “sectarianism” were untroubled by the aggressive atheism of Hitchens.
 HT: Justin Taylor

What are your thoughts about all of this? Add your comments below.

- Bro. Dave


Denise said...

I was shocked, amazed, and PROUD of Brit Hume for having the guts to say what he did.

Sean Richmond said...

I thought he did a pretty good job defending himself in the clip. As for what he said about Tiger Woods, I thought his message was good but not strong enough. It is only through the Life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ that anyone can find forgiveness and redemption. The part he left out was the 'only', but I applaud his intent.